- Having many spelling mistakes in a text can greatly distract from the content of the text. Luckily, nowadays we have many great spell checkers at our disposal. Their integration in an editor like Visual Studio Code is however not trivial. This is why I wrote this blog post: To help you set up the spell checkers LTeX, Grammarly and CSpell in vscode. I will discuss the spell checkers in general, how we can add custom dictionaries, and finally how we can make further useful configurations.
- This post is part of my series on my LaTeX workflow. Typing formulas, diagrams and tables in LaTeX by hand can be an annoying task. So let me introduce three tools that can help with these three challenges. We will start with an explanation on how MathPix can be used to create the LaTeX code for formulas. Then we are looking at quiver, a tool for creating beautiful diagrams. And finally, the appropriately named Tables Generator is used to generate tables.
- This post is part of my series on my LaTeX workflow. In it, I explain which editor I use and how I configured it. I will start with a few general-purpose settings and useful extensions before diving into the LaTeX specific configurations.
- This post is part of my series on my LaTeX workflow. In it, I explain how you can install LaTeX and keep it up-to-date. Similarly, LaTeX packages can be installed and updated. Finally I describe a usefull trick how you can import arbitrary LaTeX files like installed packages.
- In this overview post, I collect all my other blog posts regarding my LaTeX workflow. I will explain my LaTeX setup, the editor and PDF viewer I use, as well as my spell checking configuration. A further post is about my literature management. Finally, I list a few more helpful tools for creating LaTeX documents.